Human Hair Against
Oil Pollution

Oil pollution is caused by oil spills, which often occur in instances when cargo ships leak oil into the water or if there are accidents involving drilling rigs and storage facilities. This is a big problem, because the presence of oil in marine waters can damage sea life and can contaminate waters. If large scale oil spills occur, it can lead to big risks for humans to have severe health problems like heart damage, stunted growth, immune system effects and even death (NOAA, n.d.).

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Brief Description:

Oil pollution is caused by oil spills, which often occur in instances when cargo ships leak oil into the water or if there are accidents involving drilling rigs and storage facilities. This is a big problem, because the presence of oil in marine waters can damage sea life and can contaminate waters. If large scale oil spills occur, it can lead to big risks for humans to have severe health problems like heart damage, stunted growth, immune system effects and even death (NOAA, n.d.).

This being said, it has been confirmed that human hair can be used as an absorbent material against oil pollution. This is because human hair is a lipophilic material. Thus, it repels water but actively absorbs oil. According to Berenger, one kilogram of human hair can take up to eight liters of oil, making it a highly effective material for cleaning up spills (Petro Online, 2020).

Involved Science Concepts

Below are the three Science Concepts involved in our Research:

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

Biology is involved in using human hair against oil pollution due to it being a natural bio-sorbents consisting of dead cells made up of the cuticle, water, lipids, trace elements and 65-95% proteins, mainly polymers of amino acids such as keratin and cysteine, medulla and cortex. The cuticle is highly hydrophobic, which makes it water repellent. It also contains numerous peptide bonds and CO- as well as NH- group which forms hydrogen bonds between neighboring molecules on the human organic follicle surface and has a highly porous cortex.

Chemistry is involved in human hair against oil pollution due to it being a lipophilic material, meaning it repels water but absorbs oil. Human hair is especially effective at absorbing oils and other polluting chemicals due to its physicochemical characteristics such as being pliable and resilient. Due to this, they can also recover from repeated mechanical deformations with little loss of their physical properties (Wolfram, 2003). It absorbs water and oil once it comes into contact with it because of its porous cortex (Vargiolu, 2013). But compared to the affinity between water and hair, the oil's affinity for the hair surface is significantly stronger. As a result, oil is absorbed more easily than water. This absorption is purely physical, and no chemical binding is created. This is what makes it possible to use hair to create hydrocarbon-specific depolluting filters.

Physics is involved in using human hair against oil pollution through the process of adsorption. Adsorption occurs when particles become attached to the top layer of materials, but does not enter the bulk phase of a liquid or solid. In this case, hair adsorbs oil, in a way where oil clings to hair due to the tiny scales that hair has, which snag and hold onto the oil (Rozell, 1998).


How Our Findings can be Used:

Hairmats as an Alternative

Before these hair mats, chemicals such as petroleum were used to clean big oil spills which caused more problems to the environment and marine life. Thus it is not a sustainable resource compared to human hair, and human hair is a more efficient and environmentally-friendly solution against oil pollution.

The Harms of Other Equipment

Polypropylene mats are commonly used for removing oil from land. Producing polypropylene, however, involves more oil drilling because it is a non-biodegradable material. Instead, we can use hair to create these hair mats. Hair is an abundant, renewable resource that is both hydrophobic and biosorbent, and has been shown to be as effective as polypropylene.

So, what are hair mats?

Hair mats are manufactured from leftover human hair from salons or donated by businesses or other people, which are trimmed, sown, and turned into mats which are placed in areas where there are oil spills. To filter water in cities, airports, and other locations, they can be put in storm drains, wells, filtration systems, and rivers. Hair booms (long tubes) can even be used to sandbag coves and beaches to conserve natural habitats and prevent soil erosion. A hair mat soaks up roughly five times as much oil as it weighs. However, the mat has to be removed quickly and cannot stay in the oil spill area for a long period of time because there is no plastic to keep them buoyant, and they can be weighed down by plastics, seaweeds, and other substances (Kiger, 2022).



Meet the people behind this research!

Martisa Acelar

Group Leader/Business Manager

With a passion for learning and the aim to succeed, Martisa is always striving to bring out the best in herself and those around her.

Andromeda Ballera


Introducing Andromeda, a creative and aware individual with a natural empathy for others.

Julia Cervantes

Designer/Main Programmer

Meet Julia, a funny and curious kid who loves to explore the world around them.

Justine Flores

Main Designer

Meet Justine, a bubbly and optimistic young woman who never fails to bring a smile to those around her.

Samara Matanguihan


Meet Samara, a funny and friendly ambivert who loves to connect with others.

Kiara San Miguel


Meet Kiara, a curious and determined individual with a never-ending thirst for knowledge.